TICE – Turkish Integrity Center of Excellence

Listed Companies Declaration of Ethics

Since 2010, Ethics and Reputation Society has been active for being reference center on universal business ethics to be understood, to be adopted, to be disseminated. In this topic, TEID’s Declaration of Integrity is signed in 13th of January 2016 with participation of 120 corporate members which represent 15% of Turkish GDP and employs over 200.000 employers. Also their total endorsement is over 100 billion dollar. In the Gala, 247 delegates for corporate members which are leader on their own sectors participated.

Signing ceremony for TEID’s Declaration of Integrity is arranged with the participation of predominantly holdings, industrial organizations and consultancy&audit companies. Total of 130 companies in the 26 sector, 247 participants, also 16 holdings, 6 non governmental organization, IBLF, British Champer of Commerce and British General Deputy Consulate join the signing ceremony.

Number of Participants         247

Number of Sector                  26

Number of Company             130

At the same time, “Integrity Guidelines for publicly traded companies” project which is prepared by TEID and KOTEDER was launched with the participation of Nalan Erkarakas (KOTEDER’s Board Chairman) and KOTEDER’s corporate members.

“Integrity Guidelines for publicly traded companies” composed of 17 ethics principles. This guidelines which making use of the companies best practice and common practices created by KOTEDER, TEID and consultants. In world, when analyzed stock market and company’s stock performance, companies of having ethical values is very important for investors.

TEID has taken an active role in the process of B20. In B20, one of TEID’s duties is Anti Corruption Task Force other Combatting Corruption in SMEs Working Group. Combatting Corruption in SMEs Working adapted to the local market with The SME Toolkit in Turkey. The SME Toolkit was created as a collective action project by TEID and IBFL which as part of B20’s Anti-corruption Working Group.  The SME Toolkit, which was formally inefficient, will be applied now. ‘The SME Toolkit’ which is a source and basic director for anti-corruption was supported by United Kingdom. SME Toolkit was committed to develop as an anti-corruption training toolkit for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in G20 countries, as part of the B20’s two year implementation plan on anti-corruption. This toolkit has been designed during Turkey’s 2015 G20 presidency with the help of companies for managing one of the biggest challenges companies face all over the world. The purpose of SME toolkit is to help SME’s manage the risk of corruption. Many SMEs companies, do not have improved legal departments and lots of compliance officers. TEID and IBFL will to encourage SME’s companies to work together to anti-corruption. SME Toolkit was presentation and launched with signing ceremony for TEID’s Common Declaration Of Business Ethics in the Gala.

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