TICE – Turkish Integrity Center of Excellence

Listed Companies Declaration of Ethics

TEİD (Etik ve İtibar Derneği) Listed Companies Declaration of Ethics, Borsa İstanbul’a (BIST) kayıtlı şirketlerin etik değerler ve iş etiği ilkelerine olan bağlılıklarını beyan eden bir deklarasyondur. Bu deklarasyon, Borsa İstanbul’da işlem gören şirketlerin etik ve itibar yönetimi konusunda taahhütlerini belirlemek ve bu alanda bir standart oluşturmak amacıyla geliştirilmiştir.

Deklarasyon aşağıda yer almaktadır:

  • Conduct our business in compliance with any and all applicable local laws, including, primarily, the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, and any and all international treaties, conventions, agreements and regulations, to which the Republic of Turkey is signatory.
  • We are aware of the responsibility that comes with being publicly traded company, we refrain from practices that undermine the confidence of investors.
  • Capital market stakeholders as a “long-running” trip leading up, we aim to add value to them on this trip.
  • Assimilate the principles of corporate governance, in addition to the compulsory policy related in voluntary policy in alignment with the utmost care.
  • Accuracy and transparency, all our business processes and business relations in priority values are considered.
  • Employees using the intrinsic information themselves and to third parties, we take measures to prevent their benefit.
  • Provide our employees with the awareness, rules and practices to ensure avoidance of conflicts of interests.
  • Prohibit our employees from accepting and giving away presents which may influence their or counter party’s impartial decision making and conduct.
  • We place the highest value on merit in the recruitment and promotion.
  • Maintain equal distance to any and all public offices and authorities, administrative entities and political parties without any expectations of interest through the course of our operations and actions.
  • Language, religion, philosophical beliefs, political ideas, on the basis of race, age, disability and gender equality of opportunity, without distinction between preventive behaviors and practices that challenge without acting in accordance with the requirements of the service inside the neutrality.
  • Our operations and we can’t turn a blind eye to corruption, we won’t lead, and fight against corruption.
  • Fair competition and consumer rights protection oversees all our applications we develop in this direction.
  • Social responsibility and sustainability policies was developed and support it by us in the area.
  • Taking charitable giving legislation about editing and ethical principles into account, we determine and comply the policies of the company.
  • Develop practices to disseminate above principles, concepts and practices to all parties within our sphere of influence, including our business partners, contractors and suppliers
  • Put our maximum efforts towards making business ethics constitute the very fundamental of our corporate culture.

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Listed Companies Declaration of Ethics