TICE – Turkish Integrity Center of Excellence

Grand Opening – Business Ethics Research and Application Center

Ethics and Reputation Society (TEID) and Istanbul Bilgi University took a new step in their cooperation by establishing “Business Ethics Research and Application Center”

Istanbul Bilgi University, in collaboration with Ethics and Reputation Society – TEID, founded the ‘Business Ethics Research and Application Center’. The signature ceremony was held on March 13, 2015 at the Museum of Energy at santralistanbul Campus in Istanbul. The Business Ethics Research and Application Center is the first business ethics professionals certification center in Turkey. The Center aims to collect data and give business ethics certificate business to professionals.


Rıfat Sarıcaoğlu, Chairman of the board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Remzi Sanver, Rector of Bilgi University, Prof. Dr. Atilla Eriş, Vice President of Bilgi University and Head of the Business Ethics Research and Application Center, Mehmet Buldurgan, President of TEID, and reputable names of business world attented the opening ceremony.

About TEID – Ethics and Reputation Society

Ethics and Reputation Society – TEID, established in May 2010, has more than 100 corporate members. The total income of TEID corporate members exceeds 13% of Turkish GDP and they collectively have 200 thousand employees.

TEID’s main mission is to make business ethics the very basis of companies’ written culture in Turkey. It is also our aim to act as a reference center in integrity risk management in Turkey.

In this context, TEID establishes partnership and affiliations with the most respected NGOs in its fields such as TRACE International Turkey, Global Ethics Network of the European Business Ethics Network, Basel Institute on Governance and the OECD Anti-Corruption.

About Istanbul Bilgi University

Adopting the principle of ‘Non scholae, sed vitae discimus’ (We do not learn for the school, but for life), İstanbul Bilgi University took its place within the Turkish system of higher education as a civil corporation after the application made by the Bilgi Education and Culture Foundation on 7 June 1996 and the subsequent approval by the Turkish Grand National Assembly according to Law number 4142.

Over time İstanbul Bilgi University has grown to encompass 3 main campuses that total 160,000 m2 and it is on these three campuses (Kuştepe 25,000 m2, Dolapdere 18,000 m2 and santralistanbul 112,000 m2) that continues to serve its students and the academic world in Turkey.

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